
Roadmap: Public Site

Summer 2016

Design and development for a new public website for Roadmap.

Updated infrastructure allowing easy editing
The main reason for updating the website was to move to a system that allowed non-technical employees to easily update copy and blog posts. We used this as an opportunity to make visual improvements across the board to the website, bridging the gap between Roadmap 1.0 and Roadmap 2.0.

Show the app
We wanted to put visuals of the app front-and-center. Rather than only a list of features or reasons why a visitor should try it out, showing the powerful features of Roadmap directly.

Quick and easy signups
We decided to include a trial sign-up on the bottom of each page. At any point while scanning or browsing the website a visitor can begin a free trial.

Technical Specifications
We wanted to build the website quickly and efficiently, so we used Basscss and Jekyll, using Siteleaf as a CMS to allow easy editing.